What I Teach


I teach how to look after your violin and the bow. You will learn the technique of holding the violin correctly and comfortably whilst using the right hand to learn pizzicato. Once this is mastered, I move onto holding the bow in the correct way and teach controlling the bow when playing the violin which in turn produces a good tone which is essential at this stage. Using exercises and short pieces helps you learn to read the notes. All learning is tailored to the student so they feel comfortable and can approach me with any questions.


Lessons will have moved on in this stage to build on the techniques established at the beginner stage. The pieces will be full length, there will be studies to learn new techniques such as position shifting and vibrato. Tone production is still very important and you will learn to perform dynamics with effectiveness to the style of pieces you are playing. A wide range of repertoire will be taught including Baroque, Classical, Ragtime, Folk Music and Latin American. I encourage you to join an orchestra for good ensemble skills.


The pieces at this stage are jointly decided between the teacher and the pupil and it is vitally important that you enjoy and have passion for playing any pieces chosen as you may be working towards a performance or a grade exam. There will still be new techniques to be learning including different types of bowing such as spiccato, ricochet, sautille etc. Producing different types of vibrato will enhance your performance and I actively encourage you to join any groups to learn the skill of ensemble playing.

Music Theory

Music theory is always taught as part of your practical lessons and music theory alone is taught to help you understand the full background of music and how it fits together with practical pieces. It is often taught to pass the Grade 5 theory exam but I feel it's important to increase your knowledge generally and helps with aurals and sight reading at any stage of your learning.

Ensemble playing

I encourage every pupil to join my string orchestras, one for juniors and one for adults. It is a completely new skill, learning the art of playing with others but can bring so much joy to a student. With the correctly chosen pieces you will learn how to listen to other sections and understand how it all fits together. Please look at kmstringorchestra.org for more information.

Exam Preparations

Preparing for an ABRSM or Trinity College London exam takes careful planning and regular practice of all aspects of the exam in the violin lessons. Prior to any upcoming exams I will help you choose suitable pieces for the exam and make sure you have selected the right combination from the correct syllabus. I also incorporate aural training and sight-reading.

Pricing & Services

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

20 Minutes


30 Minutes

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

45 Minutes

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